A few of the many studies that have been conducted will be reported rather completely to illustrate the systematic discipline required in the use of tests for industrial purposes. None of these studies is to be regarded as illustrating an ideal’ testing situation; each was conducted within the limitations imposed by the particular industrial situation, but each attempted, to the degree possible, to conform to the rigid standards of research.
Dexterity testing tools including mechanical hand-tool coordination, small item manipulation aptitude test, device rotational competency, touch type and sensory location and point discrimination. Specific products like the Purdue Pegboard, Hand Tool Evaluation Kit, Weight Discrimination Tests, Tweezer dexterity test. This test measures the manual dexterity required in the assembly of mechanical objects. Candidates have to assemble structures consisting of various component parts under a time limit. Hence these tests can be interpreted as straightforward job simulations. The test is appropriate for many assembly jobs in manufacturing and production industries.
1. Blum Study:
A study on the use of dexterity tests to select watch-factory workers was conducted by Blum (1940). The first step in the research called for job analysis of the different types of work performed in the factory. This brought to light the following important job requirements: fine finger movements, the manipulation of tweezers, and the ability to continue performing delicate and sometimes intricate tasks over long periods of time without any increase in tension or maladjustment.
A review of the available test material indicated that in view of the factory’s requirement of a brief testing period, the Johnson O’Connor finger dexterity and tweezer dexterity test would probably be best. Prior to embarking on the testing program, however, the various available criteria of success were surveyed and three measures were obtained: length of employment, salary ratio, and foremen’s ratings.
The length of employment criterion was divided into four categories. The first was the “less than one week” group. The majority of employees in this category left or were dismissed within one week because of poor ability for the job. From the point of view of this criterion, this group was the poorest.
The second category was the “one week to four months” group. Management believed that the job could be learned adequately within four months. Those who could not learn it in this time either were dismissed or resigned. From management’s viewpoint, such an employee was inefficient; according to the employee, he could not earn enough. In any event, the employment relation was severed.
The third category was the “four months to one year” group. These employees were regarded by management as moderately successful. The fourth and final category was the “one year or longer” group. These employees were considered to be most successful; the training costs for them were lowest and the group had the highest production.
The second criterion was salary ratio. Since all employees were on a piece-rate basis, earnings were a direct reflection of production. The figure used was the average of the weekly earnings over a three-month period. This time was considered long enough to average out minor peaks or slacks in business and minor difficulties in production. The actual criterion was expressed in the form of an index, with X dollar earnings per week equal to a base of 100.
The third criterion was the rating of employees by the foremen. Each foreman was asked to give an overall rating on the basis of his opinion of the employee’s usefulness and efficiency. In accordance with this rating, each employee was classified as excellent, good, average, poor, or unsatisfactory.
Five measures of test performance were established. Two were based on speed (total time required to do each test). Another measure was the rating of the subject’s, qualitative performance on each test. Since this adds meaning to any objective score such as total time or items completed, it will be described in detail in the hope of encouraging the use of such a measuring technique.
The qualitative rating is the examiner’s overall estimate of the test performance. It includes how well the subject follows directions, tension during the test, and the method used to complete the performance. A rating scale of “good,” “average” and “poor” was used for the following qualities: accuracy of selection, grasp of pins, positioning of pins, placing of pins, hand tremor, conditions of board, pace, position and movements of arm, and body posture.
The fact that there is an appreciable distribution in qualitative performance ratings is illustrated by the findings in this particular study as presented in Table 4.4.
This measure of test performance results in an overall rating by the examiner of the subject’s manner during the test. Most performance tests and many pencil-and- paper tests readily lend themselves to such a rating. These ratings are useful in considering a person for hiring. The fifth measure was a comparison of the time taken to do the second half of the finger dexterity test and the time taken on the first half. It was assumed that the difference between the total times on each half might measure ability to improve the rate of speed and might therefore be useful as an indicator of rate of improvement on the job.
In this study 258 subjects were used. Of this number, 137 were tested subjects, 84 were referred without testing and constituted a control group, and 37 were used in the pilot study which preceded the major study. This last group was also considered a follow-up group. All testing was done under favourable environmental conditions, that is, in a testing room; and all the subjects knew that they were taking a test to be used by a specific watch factory for hiring purposes.
The data were intensively analyzed in three ways. First, the characteristics of the various criteria as well as their interrelations were studied. Second, the characteristics of the various indicators and their interrelations were studied. Third, the relation between the criteria of success and the test results was analyzed; this was the crucial step.
The correlations among the criteria indicated that each was measuring a relatively different aspect of success on the job. For example, the correlation between foremen’s ratings and salary ratio was +0.13. The correlation between length of employment and foremen’s ratings was + 0.25. The correlation between salary ratio and length of employment was highest, + 0.44.
Four of the five measures of test performance—the time scores and qualitative performance on both tests—were established as reliable; but one measure, improvement, was not established as reliable. Comparing each inter-correlation of each of the five measures showed that all were low. Eight were less than + 0.20, and one was only slightly higher.
The only high inter-correlation was between quality rating and total time of the tweezer dexterity test; this was +0.71. However, quality ratings generally cannot be considered intimately related to speed because the correlation between the quality rating on the finger dexterity test and the total time on that test was only + 0.13. Low correlations among test measures and low inter- correlations among job criteria are actually more favourable than high inter-correlations. When such correlations are high, their predictive value is limited since all will be predicting the same thing-. By the same token, if all the job criteria are highly inter-correlated, they will all be measuring the same thing instead of different aspects of success.
Manual Dexterity Test
The total time score on the finger and tweezer dexterity test generally had the highest prediction value of the job success criteria. Quality ratings on test performance were valuable for prediction in some instances, but improvement on the second half of the finger dexterity test was not predictive for any of the criteria.
Some of the specific findings are as follows (Blum, 1940):
1. Quality ratings during testing for finger dexterity were not indicative of length of employment. But those with “average or below” ratings on the tweezer dexterity test were found in the shorter categories of employment. Sixty-one percent of the group who received such ratings were no longer employed after four months, and only 27 percent of those who received “above average” ratings left or were dismissed within this period. The difference was statistically significant. When the quality ratings for both tests were combined and distributed according to length of employment, no statistically significant differences existed between those rated high and those rated low in test performances.
2. Low correlations were reported between the quality ratings on either dexterity test and salary ratios. The correlations were + 0.17 ± 0.11 for the finger dexterity test and salary ratios, +0.15 ± 0.11 for the tweezer dexterity test and salary ratios, and + 0.05 ± 0.12 for the combined quality ratings and salary ratios.
3. Quality ratings on the finger test were related to foremen’s ratings of job performance with a coefficient of contingency of + 0.50. The C for tweezer quality ratings and foremen’s ratings was + 0.24. A coefficient of contingency of + 0.30 was obtained when foremen’s ratings were correlated with the combined quality ratings on both tests. (Maximum C = + 0.86.)
4. Improvement on the second half of the finger dexterity test was not predictive of length of employment.
5. Improvement correlated with salary ratio – 0.06 ± 0.13. This is the only comparison of the entire investigation that showed a negative though unreliable relationship between test indicators and the criteria of proficiency.
6. Of the workers who received “A” ratings by foremen, 100 percent showed improvement on the second half of the finger dexterity test. Of the workers who received “D” ratings, only 50 percent improved. Eighty-four percent of those who received “B” ratings improved, and 61 percent of those who received “C” ratings improved. The difference in percentage between those who received “A” and “D” ratings is not statistically reliable, possibly because of the limited number of subjects.
7. Time scores on both the finger and tweezer dexterity tests were faster on the average as length of employment increased. The difference for the average time on the finger dexterity test between the “less than 7 day” and the “more than 1 year” groups was statistically significant. In the same comparison on the tweezer dexterity test, the D/σ difference was 2.5. Combining the finger and tweezer dexterity time scores did not increase the statistical reliability of the difference, and the D/σ difference between the “less than 7 day” and “more than 1 year” groups was 2.3.
8. The correlation between finger dexterity time score and salary ratio was + 0.26 ± 0.10; between tweezer dexterity time score and salary ratio it was +0.32 ± 0.10; and between the combined test times and the salary ratio it was + 0.39 ± 0.09.
9.The “above average” group according to foremen’s ratings was 5 seconds faster on the finger dexterity test and 9 seconds faster on the tweezer dexterity test than the “average and below” group. The difference for the combined test scores between the two groups was 12 seconds in favour of those receiving above average ratings. These differences were not statistically reliable.
10. The practical value of the critical scores (time score of 5 minutes, 30 seconds or better on the tweezer dexterity test and 7 minutes, 30 seconds on the finger dexterity test) which were suggested in the pilot study (Candee and Blum, 1937) is clearly indicated in this investigation. These scores discriminate employees in the watch factory with a considerable degree of exactness according to the criteria of proficiency.
11. A comparison according to length of employment showed that 7 percent of the group that “passed both tests” left within one week, whereas 23 percent of the “no test” group and 24 percent of the group of workers who “failed either or both tests” were unemployed after one week. The differences in the percentages between the first and the last two were statistically significant with critical ratios of 3.2 and 3.4. The greatest possibility of prolonged employment was found in the group that “passed both tests.” Of this group, 72 percent remained four months or longer. This percentage was significantly different from that of the “no test” group (D/σ difference of 3.1)’, and from that of the group which “failed either or both tests” (D/σ difference of 4+).
12. A comparison according to salary ratios indicated that the group that “passed both tests” earned the most money. The earnings of this group were statistically different from the earnings of the group that “failed one or both tests.” The “no test” group was superior in salary ratio to the group that “failed either or both tests.” The group that “passed both tests” was not significantly superior to the “no test” group.
13. A comparison according to foremen’s ratings showed only a trend. The group that “passed both’ tests” was rated by foremen as “better than average” in 34 percent of the cases. The group that “failed either or both tests” was rated as “above average” in 25 percent of the cases. This difference was not statistically reliable. No differentiation between the “no test” group and the “passed both tests” group is possible according to foremen’s ratings.
14. A follow-up of the subjects in the pilot study supports the findings of the present investigation that time scores on the tests are indicators of proficiency. Two years prior to the “follow-up,” 20 workers were selected by foremen as superior and 17 as mediocre workers in the watch factory. These groups were originally significantly different in their test scores on both the finger test and the tweezer test.
Significant differences were later obtained between these a priori groups in terms of:
(a) Percentage discharge and
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(b) Salary ratio.
Before presenting a review of other studies, it is desirable to take stock and consider the implications of such research. The above study was not an “ideal” one. Because of factory conditions, it was impossible to use desirable scientific controls. For example, equal-sized groups in the various categories could have been arranged for in a laboratory more readily than in the factory.
The demands of research must often conform to prevalent conditions, but only insofar as planning and methodology are concerned. The statement does not hold for research conclusions, for these must be reported independently of plant conditions and must conform very strictly to the data obtained.
The industrial psychologist is justified in conducting laboratory studies only as a preliminary to the research in which the industrial situation necessarily becomes the “laboratory.” Laboratory conclusions cannot be generalized and applied to the industrial scene without checking them in every way possible.
Whether the problem involves tests for selection or any other purpose, the industrial psychologist often has to modify procedures and demonstrate a flexibility in manner that may be unorthodox from the scientific point of view. If, for example, he will not forsake rigid controls in some cases, he may be forced to give up the entire problem. To the industrial psychologist, the lesser of the two evils is to conduct research in industry under the best conditions that industry can provide.
A further illustration of this point concerns the desirability of having large numbers of subjects for an experiment. However, an industrial organization is often not in a position to hire on a large scale. In this case it is better to sacrifice the number of subjects rather than the entire study.
This principle does not imply that a form of research euphemistically called “directed research” should be tolerated. Research reports must agree with the conclusions based upon the facts obtained. An industrial psychologist who does not report negative findings because this would create disrespect and might lead to his dismissal is as wrong as the business executive who wants the research to back up his sales ideas and therefore “directs” the research and its findings.
The points just discussed are important and should serve as a means of evaluating not only test research but also other types of research in the field. To this end, a few additional studies on test selection will be described.
2. Ghiselli Study:
In his study of tests for selecting inspector-packers, Ghiselli (1942) used a battery of several tests on a group of 26 women employees working as inspector-packers in a pharmaceutical concern. There were five main duties in this job: filling containers, inserting stoppers, examining the contents by eye, labelling the containers, and packaging.
The job, although routine, is extremely important, for the presence of extraneous material or incorrect labelling might result in serious illness or even death for anyone who happened to be sold the wrong product. The criterion of job efficiency was the combination of ratings by the forelady and the supervisor.
The job analysis indicated that the important abilities that should be measured in the preliminary battery of tests were:
Manual Dexterity Test For Manufacturing
1. Dexterity of fingers, hands, and arras
2. Eye-hand coordination
3. Estimation of the size and form of objects
4. Ability to observe difference in details
To this end a battery of six tests was administered to the employees. It was found that the average performance of the inspector-packers was vastly superior to that of samples of an adult population in the Minnesota Placing and Turning tests and the Paper Form Board test. Although this information is useful, selection is justified only when a relationship is found to exist between test performance and job performance.
Such a relationship is called a validity coefficient. The Minnesota Paper Form Board test was found to be more closely correlated with the criterion than any other test in the battery; this test correlated to the extent of +0.57. The Pegboard test correlated with the criterion to the extent of -0.50, and the Turning test to the extent of -0.40. The other tests had lower correlations with the criterion.
This study, like the one previously reported, has shortcomings. The criterion of proficiency was a rating by superiors; but, since it apparently was the only criterion available, it had to be used or no tests could have been evaluated. Too often in industry such ratings comprise the only available criterion.
The number of subjects, 26, is small; but when we remember that this constitutes a large number of people performing the same task, it can be considered a satisfactory sample. The study presents no evidence on the success of its recommendations that were adopted for future use; such information, as well as recommended critical scores, is often helpful in evaluating the use of tests.
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3. Hay Study:
Edwin N. Hay (1943), using a battery of tests, was able to predict 91 percent of the better bookkeeping machine operators and 72 percent of the less satisfactory operators. Prior to establishing these results, all the procedures involved in test research and development were followed. These included job analyses establishment of adequate job criteria, preliminary selection of the test battery, and statistical investigations. Only after many years was it possible to recommend the particular test battery as successful for prediction purposes.
The job analyses revealed that the outstanding requirement for machine bookkeeping is bimanual ability. A detailed time and motion job analysis showed tot there were 5 distinct operations which could be broken up into 18 motions. The average time for the five operations—selecting ledger card, inserting ledger card, picking up previous balance, post-checking amount, and returning card—was 6.8 seconds.
In most of these operations the eyes and both hands were used. Speed and accuracy were required for the successful performance of this job. The difference between the ability of the best and the ability of the poorest operators was greater than 2 to 1; that is, the best operators did more than twice the work done by the poorest operators.
The tests used included the Otis Intelligence test, the Minnesota Clerical test, the Ziegler Rate of Manipulation tests, and other tests of clerical ability such as filing and name finding. In all, 22 tests were administered. Although six of them were of the hand, arm, and finger dexterity variety none of these six showed any considerable relationship with the criterion “speed of posting.
However, the Otis test the Minnesota Clerical Test-Numbers, and the Alpha Number series correlated +0.50 or higher with this criterion. The multiple correlation technique indicated that the Otis test and the Minnesota Clerical had a correlation of +0-65 with the criterion. The highest multiple correlation between the test battery and the criterion was +0.71 and included the Otis, the Minnesota Numbers, the Alpha Number series, and the Fryer Name Finding.
Hay’s study is valuable from many points of view. The evidence presented in the follow-up indicates that in this case the tests worked. Table 4.5 shows the steady improvement in the average production of bookkeepers since selection based on testing was introduced.
4. Sartain Study:
A. Q. Sartain (1945) administered a battery of seven tests to a group of 47 employees in the inspection department of an aircraft factory. The criterion was set by the ratings of the instructors in a refresher course being given to inspectors. The instructors were also familiar with the performance of these employees anti their ratings undoubtedly reflected this knowledge.
The test battery included the MacQuarrie, the Otis, the Cardall Test of Practical Judgment, the Minnesota Paper Form Board, the Industrial Classification Training Test, the Bennett Test of Mechanical Comprehension, and the O’Rourke Test of Mechanical Aptitude. The multiple correlation of this entire battery with the criterion was +0.787.
Dexterity Testing For Manufacturing
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However, three of the tests—the MacQuarrie, the Cardall, and the Minnesota Paper Form Board—yielded results equally good, the multiple correlation being +0.780. Since the difference between these two correlations is negligible, it would be advisable to use these three tests, rather than all seven.
5. Shuman Study:
John T. Shuman (1945) administered a battery of tests to a group of employees and applicants for various jobs at the Lycoming Division of the Aviation Corporation. The tests included the Otis, the Minnesota Paper Form Board, the Bennett Test of Mechanical Comprehension, the O’Rourke Test of Mechanical Aptitude, and the Minnesota Vocational Test for Clerical Workers.
The employees tested included inspectors, engine testers, machine operators, foremen, and job setters, among others. Shuman reports that the average improvement in selecting excellent workers was 18 percent with the Bennett test, 15 percent with the Otis, and 13 percent with the Minnesota Paper Form Board. The critical scores that made this improvement possible meant the elimination of one out of every four persons tested.
The Bennett test when compared with the criterion (ratings) was found to be highly correlated to the job of job setter, the correlation being +0.73. The Minnesota Paper Form Board correlated +0.59 with this same job. The Otis test had the highest correlation with the job of engine tester, +0.57. Shuman found that the tests in his battery correlated better with jobs that require skills such as working on machinery precision parts or testing aircraft engines, rather than purely manual skills.
He believed that tests can be more useful in assigning employees to job category levels than to specific jobs. An incidental finding, but one that deserves mention, is the fact that one test had to be dropped because of dissatisfaction on the part of the subjects. This was the O’Rourke Test of Mechanical Ability, which was too long and proved to be almost useless with women applicants, many of whom did not even try to take it. This emphasizes that a test battery must be favourably received by applicants if any value is to be attached to the results.
Summary of Examples:
Many other studies have been as effective as the few described above. However, further examples would only belabour the point. The use of psychological tests in industry demands research and development in the light of the particular problem and the specific plant. The fact that this work has been done before does not make it unnecessary. Rather, it means that the chances of success are improved each time. The essential point is that test results must be correlated with job success; they can never be taken for granted.
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