Filezilla currently officially recommended SFTP Software by Rackspace Cloud Sites. WinSCP was also recommended software in past by by Rackspace Cloud Sites. Both are good softwares and as said Filezilla versus WinSCP naming should not make you feel a competition. Both are free softwares. SFTP: The SSH File Transfer Protocol is a secure file transfer and management protocol. This protocol assumes the files are using a secure channel, such as SSH, and that the identity of the client is available to the protocol. SMTP: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used by electronic mail servers to send and receive email messages.
Rackspace Sftp
Public and private access for Cloud Databases
Authored by: Rackspace Support
Cloud Databases provides several options for connecting to your database, givingyou complete flexibility in how you access your database. For increasedsecurity, the Rackspace private network makes your database available bydefault. However, you can connect to your Cloud Database using any of thefollowing methods:
Rackspace Cloud Files Ftp
Connect by using the database Hostname string (private access within the same Rackspace region)
If you have additional Rackspace cloud resources, such as Cloud Servers andCloud Load Balancers, you can use the database Hostname string to create a private connectionfrom these resources to your database. To use this connectionmethod, you must locate the resources in the same region. This connection methoddoes not incur bandwidth charges. Consider this when choosing a region forCloud Servers, Cloud Load Balancers, and Cloud Databases.
Connect using an ssh tunnel (public access)
Azure Sftp Cloud Service
You can create a secure connection to a Cloud Server by using an SSHtunnel.After you connect to your server, you can use the MySQL® client, ora similar tool, to manage your database. This method lets you connect external,non-Rackspace resources to your Cloud Database.
Connect using a Cloud Load Balancer (public access)
This connection method places a Cloud Load Balancer in front of your databaseand provides public access to your database. If the load balancer and databaseare in the same region, no bandwidth charges incur for this connection.Any data sent outside of the data center incurs normal bandwidth charges.
Here’s a visual representation of how you connect to your Cloud Database. Choosethe connection method that works best for your implementation.
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