Press Release: RSA Security
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RSA Security Protects an Increasing Number of OnlineIdentities and Digital Assets Worldwide in the First Quarterof 2006
More than 6,000 customers, includingBarclays Bank, New Zealand Police and Wayi InternationalDigital Entertainment, select RSA Securitysolutions
Sydney: April 18, 2006 – RSA Security Inc.(Nasdaq: RSAS) today announced that more than 6,000customers – including approximately 800 new customers –selected its award-winning identity and access managementand anti-fraud solutions in the first quarter of 2006. Asof March 31, 2006, more than 20,000 organisations worldwidehave leveraged the company’s growing roster of enterprise,consumer and developer solutions.
Across the globe, customers voicedresounding confidence in RSA Security technology.
Specifically, in North America, Alaska USA FederalCredit Union, one of the nation’s top 25 credit unions,selected RSA FraudAction anti-phishing and anti-pharmingservice to help protect its members from online fraud.
“RSA Security is earning a reputation for providingtimely and targeted anti-fraud services to the financialindustry,” remarked John Shipe, Alaska USA’s chiefinformation officer. “RSA FraudAction service represents animportant layer in Alaska USA’s comprehensive approach topreventing, identifying, and disrupting the activities thatput members and the credit union at financial risk.”
In the Asia-Pacific region, New Zealand Police, thenational agency responsible for public safety in NewZealand, chose RSA SecurID two-factor authentication toprovide secure remote access to computer terminals installedin patrol cars.
“Ensuring the security of our datacommunications is a top priority and the ‘car as policestation’ project is the most far-reaching of our top tentechnology initiatives,” said Lyn Provost, deputycommissioner. “The terminals will provide authorisedfrontline police officers with secure remote access forbackground checks on people and their vehicles withouthaving to radio back to base for information. This willspeed officers’ access to the most current information,reduce traffic on radio channels and free communicationsstaff from handling routine inquiries. Following an initialimplementation, New Zealand Police will progressivelyimplement vehicle terminals throughout the nationalfleet.”
In addition, Credit Union Central ofOntario, a leading credit union in Canada, reinforced itscommitment to RSA Security’s web access managementtechnology.
“Credit Union Central of Ontario andRSA Security continue a strong five-year partnership, inwhich RSA ClearTrust web access management technologyremains a key security building block used in theprovisioning of secure access to Central’s web portal, whichis used by 170 member credit unions, and serves more than1.2 million Ontarians,” said Paul Martinello, director,System Development, Credit Union Central of Ontario. “Wehave recently made an additional investment in RSAClearTrust technology to keep up with the expanded use ofour portal. RSA ClearTrust technology helps our usersincrease their efficiency as they need to login only once toaccess all applications and data, and perform financialtransactions.”
Additional customer successes in thequarter include:
Enterprise Solutions
Organisations that selected two-factor authenticationand web access management technology to protect and accesssensitive, networked information assets include:
BrassRing, a leading provider of talent managementsolutions, in partnership with RSA SecurWorld PartnerAkibia, expanded its deployment of RSA SecurID two-factorauthentication technology with the purchase of RSA SecurIDAppliance 2.0 to be used for employees for secure remoteaccess to its corporate network infrastructure. In thecoming weeks, the company plans to purchase and installadditional RSA SecurID Appliances to migrate its existingserver deployment for its customer-facing Internetenvironment. Two-factor authentication technology providesthe company with an additional layer of validation tocomplement the preexisting layers of security alreadypresent in its IT environment.
Elcom International,a leading international provider of remotely-hostedeProcurement and eMarketplace solutions, made an additionaland significant investment in RSA ClearTrust web accessmanagement technology, which provides the core web singlesign-on technology for the United Kingdom’s Office ofGovernment Commerce Buying Solutions’ (OGC buying solutions)Zanzibar Managed Service. Capable of use by any publicsector body in the United Kingdom, the Zanzibar ManagedService is a shared eProcurement system that enables publicsector buyers and suppliers to connect via the Internet toconduct eCommerce through a single portal secured by RSAClearTrust technology., aprivately-held provider of affordable web hosting servicesand managed dedicated server solutions, and a recent RSASecurity Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP),purchased RSA SecurID two-factor authentication technologyto provide secure remote access for employees to enter thecorporate network. will integrate RSA SecurIDtechnology into their hosting solutions to provide new andcurrent customers with another layer of authentication tocompliment existing security policies.
JuniperNetworks, the leader in enabling secure and assuredcommunications over a single IP network, expanded itsdeployment of RSA SecurID two-factor authentication toprovide employees with secure remote access, through thecompany’s own award-winning Secure Access SSL VPN, to thecorporate network to tap into applications and corporatedata.
Kubota d1803 t parts. Millward Brown, one of the world’s leadingmarketing research and brand consulting companies withoffices in more than 43 countries, in partnership with RSASecurWorld Partner RKON Technologies, expanded its globaldeployment of RSA SecurID technology for use by employeesfor secure remote access to the corporate network. More than2,500 employees will use the USB-enabled RSA SecurID SID800token for flexible one-time password entry while working ina connected or disconnected environment.
Willow,the pioneer and leading provider of virtual contact centerservices and solutions, purchased RSA SecurID two-factorauthentication solution to provide secure remote access toits corporate networks through a Juniper Networks SecureAccess SSL VPN. RSA SecurID technology will be used by thecompany’s 3,000 agents, who work out of their homes, andprovide contact center services to Fortune 1000 clients.
Consumer Solutions
New and existing RSASecurity customers selected anti-fraud, transactionmonitoring, and adaptive authentication solutions to secureonline banking and online gaming environments. Theseinclude:
Barclays Bank plc, one of the largestretail banks in Europe, which has used the RSA FraudActionservice to fight phishing and pharming since October 2004,recently launched the RSA Transaction Monitoring solution tofurther protect its online banking users. The solutionauthenticates users behind-the-scenes and detects onlinefraud while placing no burden on consumers.
M&IMarshall & Ilsley Bank, the largest Wisconsin-based bank,selected and launched the RSA FraudAction anti-phishing andanti-pharming service to protect its customers from emergingonline threats. M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank is an affiliateof Marshall & Ilsley Corporation, a diversified financialservices corporation with $46.2 billion in assets.
Motorola Employees Credit Union, a $550 million creditunion serving the employees of Motorola and their families,deployed the RSA FraudAction anti-phishing and anti-pharmingservice to protect their members against fraud and onlineattacks.
Nationwide Building Society, a leadingfinancial institution in the United Kingdom, selected RSASecurity to deploy the RSA Verified by Visa e-commerceauthentication solution later this year. How we hack facebook account by phishing.
RepublicBancorp Inc., with $6.1 billion in assets, is the thirdlargest bank holding company headquartered in Michigan. Itssubsidiary, Republic Bank, serves customers in Michigan,Ohio and Indiana, with 93 retail, commercial and mortgagebanking offices and 91 ATMs. Republic selected the RSAFraudAction anti-phishing and anti-pharming service in orderto protect its customers from current attacks and emergingonline fraud techniques.
Susquehanna BancsharesInc., a financial services holding company operating in theMid-Atlantic region with $7.5 billion in assets, selectedRSA FraudAction anti-phishing and anti-pharming service tohelp protect the integrity of its brand and the security ofits customers’financial information.
WayiInternational Digital Entertainment, a leading producer andoperator of online games in Taiwan, purchased RSA SecurIDtwo-factor authentication technology to provide consumeridentity protection for its online gaming customers. Bysupplying co-branded RSA SecurID SID700 tokens to theircustomers, the firm has taken proactive steps to add anadditional layer of security in order to protect theirplayers’ identities while conducting gaming activitiesonline.
Developer Solutions
RSA Securitycustomers ensure that their sensitive information remainsprivate and their critical business transactions remaintrusted and secure with leading encryption technology. Customers who selected RSA Security developer solutions inQ1 2006 include:
PatchLink® Corporation, a leadingenterprise security patch and vulnerability managementsolutions provider, licensed RSA Security’s industry-leadingRSA BSAFE® encryption technology, in order to help ensurethat PatchLink customers’ security content is effectivelyprotected during network transmission, as well as duringstorage at both the agent and server. All future PatchLinkproduct releases are expected to include RSA BSAFEencryption technology.
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Vitrium Systems, Inc., aprovider of digital rights management technology to securePDF documents, licensed RSA BSAFE Crypto-C and RSA BSAFECrypto-J encryption software toolkits. With RSA Security’sencryption technology, Vitrium will help ensure highsecurity for customers leveraging its protectedpdf solution.Vitrium selected RSA Security technology in Q1 2006,partially, because the solutions comply with the FederalInformation Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 standard,which meets requirements for vendors delivering encryptionsolutions to U.S. federal government agencies.
“Thefirst quarter of 2006 delivered further validation that RSASecurity’s solutions are well matched to the unique businessand technology needs of our customers –particularly in termsof protecting online and enterprise data, businesstransactions, and financial assets,” said John Worrall,senior vice president of marketing at RSA Security. “Moreand more, we find that our own customers become our bestadvocates in the market as they demonstrate real-worldsuccesses in their implementations of proven solutions thatrepresent best practices in information security.”
About RSA Security Inc.
RSA Security Inc. is theexpert in protecting online identities and digital assets.The inventor of core security technologies for the Internet,the company sets the standard in strong authentication andencryption, bringing trust to millions of user identitiesand the transactions that they perform. RSA Security’sportfolio of award-winning identity & access managementsolutions helps businesses to establish who’s who online –and what they can do.
With a strong reputation builton a 20-year history of ingenuity, leadership and proventechnologies, we serve more than 20,000 customers around theglobe and interoperate with more than 1,000 technology andintegration partners. For more information, please
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RSA, RSA Security,BSAFE, ClearTrust, FraudAction, and SecurID are eitherregistered trademarks or trademarks of RSA Security Inc. inthe United States and/or other countries. All otherproducts and services mentioned are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
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