Phase 2 Wow Classic

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With almost 3 months in after WoW Classic release, Blizzard rolled Classic Phase 2 yesterday. Therefore, some neat changes are introduced, as well as some of the world bosses added for the players. But this is not all, tune in for full details below.

THE WoW Classic Phase 2 release schedule is almost complete, with the final stage bringing the PvP Honor System online alongside the launch of new World Bosses. By Gary Jones PUBLISHED: 23:48, Thu.

Phase 2 Contents

Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers is the best Hunter weapon for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Classic WoW. This questline starts from Ancient Petrified Leaf from Majordomo in Molten Core, and you will also receive Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers which is desired less than the former items but still provides some nice situational stats. My Thoughts On Phase 2 Of Classic WoW! Should Blizzard Bring BGs Early For Unhappy Players? World of Warcraft Classic - Duration: 47:07. Asmongold TV 719,000 views. Phase 1 (Classic WoW Release) Molten Core Onyxia Maraudon Phase 2. Dire Maul Azuregos Kazzak Phase 3. Blackwing Lair Darkmoon Faire Darkmoon deck drops begin Phase 4. Zul’Gurub Green Dragons Phase 5. Ahn’Qiraj War Effort.

Lord Kazzak

Supreme Lord Kazzak is a doomlord and a battle-commander of the Burning Legion forces. Kazzak remained on Azeroth after the Third War and stationed in the Blasted Lands.

Location: Blasted Lands – Tainted Scar
Suggested Level: 60
Raid Players Suggested: 40

Kazzak’s fight is hard one and usually, you have to watch out on his Shadow Bolt Volley. He drops level 60 epic end game items as well as a quest item. The item is called Eye of Shadow and Priests will have their hands on it.


Azuregos is a member of the Blue Dragonflight and a lieutenant of the aspect Malygos. He is incredibly interested in magical artifacts and their protection. Because of that, he guards the ancient night elf Ruins of Eldarath in Azshara.

Location: Azshara
Suggested Level: 60
Raid Players Suggested: 40

Phase 2 Wow Classic Date

Azuregos has some neat epic level drops. Hunters will be the ones that are most interested in downing this boss. In other words, Azuregos has a guaranteed drop on Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina. This item is Hunter’s quiver which provides an extra 15% attack speed.

PvP Honor System

The PvP Honor System has arrived in WoW Classic as part of the phase two update.
This phase of WoW Classic introduces the so-called “Climbing the Ladder” system. Therefore, facing enemies who are within 10 levels of your own character and defeating them will earn you Honorable Kills. In conclusion, these Honorable Kills will help you advance in the PvP system and unlock access to a variety of rewards, such as a PvP trinket, cloak, potions, and more.
However, not all Honorable Kills are valued the same. For example, killing the same enemy multiple times will result in a decreasing amount of Honor gained. In addition to this, diminishing returns also apply to killing faction leaders. Diminishing returns from repeated kills on a single target are these:


The value of the Honorable Kill is weighted by the rank and level of the defeated player. In other words, you will earn more Contribution Points by defeating players who have more PvP experience under their belt. However, defeating a player who is new to the battlefield will result in fewer Contribution Points. Moreover, each week your rank will be updated based on your activity relative to the other members of your faction.

Phase 2 Wow Classic Reddit

Falling From Grace

Phase 2 Wow Classic

You will be given Dishonorable Kills for killing civilian NPCs which immediately impacts your Honor rating. Therefore, every dishonorable kill costs you some of the honor that you’ve earned in previous weeks. In addition, reaching the higher ranks will be difficult if you have dishonorable kills counted for your character. These will appear in the Honor tab immediately.

Phase 2 Wow Classic Warrior Bis

The status of your character can be checked under profile > Honor tab. This tab shows your character’s current title, rank, honor, honorable and dishonorable kills.
There are 14 ranks, and each rank provides access to new rewards. You’ll need to head over to the Officer’s Barracks in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to purchase your new items.

This was it for Classic Phase 2 release, head over to our articles section and see if you missed anything.

The second of WoW Classic’s content patches — or phases — is coming this year. The game will receive a bunch of new bosses to kill with equally new and useful loot. It’ll be the first patch to the game since its August launch, and it might give us a good idea of how the rest of the game’s schedule will unfold.


Speaking to PC Gamer, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas said that Phase 2 will be out this year — the first definitive confirmation that we’ll have an update to Classic before 2019 ends. That means that the game’s servers will officially drop the layering tech that split players up into virtual servers and condense each into one standard realm. This will allow everyone to see each other consistently and prevent anyone from layer hopping to repeatedly kill bosses (an exploit that led to some pretty heavy punishment for some players).

That last bit is important because Phase 2 includes two new world bosses: Azuregos and Lord Kazzak. Both of these offer powerful loot and some nice items to help Hunters and Priests to finish their class quests more easily. Phase 2 also includes the Dire Maul dungeon. Inside, you’ll be able to get a unique trinket, gear enhancement items, and a set of other items for classes like Mages, Warlocks, Paladins, and Warriors. Quel’Serrar anyone?


For everyone else, there’s the PVP Honor system that rewards (and sometimes punishes) you for killing members of the opposing faction. You’ll gain ranks and rewards for climbing from the bottom rung of the ladder to the top. Also, the promised keyring will presumably come with this patch too. The keyring lets you store 12 keys in it without them taking up your normal bag slots.

The release of Phase 2 might mean we can expect a two-to-three month length for each phase. That said, it’s still very likely that Blizzard will extend the length based on the amount of content — but it’s a good time frame to pay attention to nonetheless. BlizzCon is only a month away, so it’s probably safe to assume we’ll get the exact date and maybe even future dates announced there.

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